by cornel | Jun 17, 2020 |
Titlu: THE CATHARSIS OF AFFECTS AND THE THEORY OF CAUSATION. A REINTERPRETATION OF THE ARISTOTELIAN THEORY OF AESTHETICAL EXPERIENCEAbstract:In this study I propose an interpretation of the role the concept of κάθαρσις plays in Aristotle’s philosophy as a whole and a...
by cornel | Jun 11, 2019 |
JAZZ ŞI UTOPIE. CĂTRE O INTERPRETARE MEONTOLOGICĂ. A ESTETICII LUI THEODOR ADORNOAbstract: In this study I analyse Adorno’s critique to jazz music form a meontological perspective. To understand why the German philosopher found jazz to be a form of pseudo-artistic...
by cornel | Feb 8, 2019 |
Titlu: Genuri ale ființei și categorii mimetice în Sofistul lui PlatonAbstract: Acest studiu tematizează problematica „speciilor mimeticii” sau al „categoriilor mimetice”, de la care, de fapt, pornește întreaga discuție ontologică și meontologică privitoare la...
by cornel | May 17, 2018 |
Art and Mathematics in Matila Ghyka’s Philosophical Aesthetics. A Pythagorean Approach on Contemporary Aesthetics Abstract: Although Matila Ghyka is one of the Romanian philosophers who changed the way some of the most important artists and art theorists of the...
by cornel | Mar 17, 2018 |
Omul ca ființare la umbra nimicului. Pro-veniența ființei omului și diferența meontologică Abstract: In this study I tackle the problem of the origin of humanity from a meontological point of view, thought as existence in the shadow of nothingness. In order to do...
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