Titlu: Vechea și noua estetică. În căutarea unei ”științe a cunoașterii sensibile”
Abstract: Modern aesthetics, founded as a philosophical discipline by Alexander Gottlieb Baumgarten in the 18th century, was an ambitious, but unfortunately incomplete project, due to the philosopher’s premature death 1762. In this study I will aim at reconstructing the main characteristics of Baumgarten’s “Aesthetica” that distinguish it from previous philosophical reflections on art and beauty, as they can be deduced from the two published volumes and form the rest of his writings. Afterwards, I will argue that contemporary research in the field of scientific aesthetics – especially neuroaesthetics, information aesthetics and computational neuroaesthetics – follow the same conceptual framework and aim to resolve the same issues as the original project, but with the tools of nowadays mathematics and information theory. Thus, we can count these fields as an effort aimed at the continuation and fulfillment of modern aesthetics.
Keywords: aesthetics, neuroaesthetics, information aesthetics, computational aesthetics
Publicația: UNA
Anul Publicării: 2022