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Titlu: Soartă şi rost: reconstrucţie fenomenologică a destinului la
Mircea Vulcănescu

Abstract: The purpose of this essay is to offer a reconstruction of Mircea Vulcanescu’s concepts of fate and place on the basis of his thoughts found in Dimensiunea românească a existenţei [The Romanian Dimension of Existence]. In this way, we try to bring the problem of fate in the context of today’s philosophy and to sketch a possible answer to it. Therefore, we have to study the way the concepts of faith (Rom. “soartă”) and place (Rom. “rost”) relate, in Mircea Vulcănescu’s works, with the concepts of world (Rom. “lume”) and high time (Rom. “vreme”), on one hand, and individual (Rom. “ins”) and figure (Rom. “chip”), on the other. In this way, we will gain as a result some reference points for the construction of the Romanian ontological system sketched by Mircea Vulcănescu.

Keywords: fate, place, ontology, Mircea Vulcănescu.

Publicația: Studii de istorie a filosofiei românești, Vol. IX, Editura Academiei Române, București

Anul Publicării: 2013