Titlu: Perceperea frumosului la Plotin. Prefigurarea unei căi meontologice de constituire a esteticii
Abstract: In this essay I tackle the problem of perception in the context of the plotinian philosophy, with an emphasis on the “psychological” mechanisms involved in the perception of Oneness, Goodness and Beauty. As I argue, these are “meontological” ideas that are perceived by the human soul through a peculiar power, namely an “ineffable consent” of the unity with the first principle. Subsequently, these impressions left by the idea of Beauty in our soul enter a special hermeneutical process through which they form the multitude of ideas populating the “intellectual world”. Following the steps of the platonic analysis of Eros and its epistemological role, Plotin rethinks the foundations of the Platonian epistemology and ontology, giving it a meontological turn which can be used to rebuild modern-day aesthetics as a rigorous philosophical science.
Keywords: meontology, hermeneutics, Plotinus, Plato, Neoplatonism, perception, Eros
Publicația: Revista de Filosofie, Tomul LXIV, Nr. 1/2017
Anul Publicării: 2017