Titlu: Note pentru reconstrucția conceptului „metafizic” de logos la Mircea Vulcănescu
Abstract: The main theme of this essay is the philosophical reconstruction of Mircea Vulcanescu’s conception of knowledge and logos from a phenomenological point of view. The analysis of the concept of logos, as it is referred to in Vulcănescu’s conference Logos and Eros in the Christian metaphysics, brings forward a distinction between the human and the transcendent logos. The purpose of this essay is to show that the former offers the possibility of an ontological logic, while the latter offers the possibility of a meontological one, which can be put in correspondence, as a strictly philosophical image, with the theological thinking.
Keywords: meontology, logos, knowledge, phenomenology
Publicația: Studii de istorie a filosofiei românești, Vol. VIII, Editura Academiei Române, București, 2012
Anul Publicării: 2012