Nimicul ca începătură a filosofiei și ne-experimentarea.
Gânduri asupra fragmentului lui Anaximandros
Abstract: This study aims at reconsidering Anaximander’s conception of the ἄπειρον as the principle of all things from a meontological point of view. My main thesis is that our traditional understanding of Anaximander’s fragment is tributary to Aristotle’s ontology and, especially, to his ontological view on presocratic philosophy. Trying to constitute a synthesis of all Greek thinking, Aristotle interprets his precursors as ontological thinkers when, in fact, there is no evidence the early Greek philosophers even had the concept of Being, which appears for the first time in Parmenides’ fragments. Taking this into consideration, I propose the interpretation of Anaximander’s ἄπειρον as “that which lays beyond our experience” and put it in connection with Heraclitus’ theory of the soul as boundless λόγος which increases itself by the mere life and activity of the soul. Thus, one can think of a “meontological history of philosophy” that emphasizes the ineffability and impossibility to grasp into concept of meontological ideas such as non-being, nothingness, lack of experience and others.
Keywords: Anaximander, meontology, apeiron, principle, Greek philosophy, presocratic philosophy, pre-judicative hermeneutics.
Publicația: Studii în Hermeneutica pre-judicativă și meontologie
Anul Publicării: 2020