Problema memoriei la Aristotel
Abstract: I aim to reveal the meaning of memory and remembering for Aristotle. The reason for such an investigation lays in the fact that during the history of philosophy these phenomena have modified their meaning in such a way that the ancient Greek experience of memory and remembering are long lost for us. Thus, my examination of memory will bring forth the fact that there is a fundamental change of view in Aristotle’s work that is connected with the change of attitude in Greek philosophy toward what we call, nowadays, theoretical thinking. One of the consequences of this change of view is the fact that the entire western philosophical tradition focused, almost exclusively until the 20th century, on the development of philosophical concepts, forgetting about the development of ideas, understood as “practical understanding” of “reality” and as the most “natural” form of knowledge available to man.
Keywords: Aristotle, greek philosophy, psychology, memory, remembering
Rostită la: Conferinta Cercurilor Stiintifice Studentesti ale Facultății de Limbi Străine din cadrul Universității din București
Localitatea: București
Anul: 2010