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Pro-veniența ființei omului și diferența meontologică

Abstract: In this study I tackle the problem of the origin of humanity from a meontological point of view, thought as existence in the shadow of nothingness. In order to do this, I aim to show by means of a peculiar type o hermeneutics, which I call „affective hermeneutics” or „retrospective hermeneutics”, that both the ontic and ontological domains spring from a meontological first principle, which cannot be fully grasped by our consciousness, but is somewhat experimented as an affective dis-position or a non-judicative experience. The main feature of this type of hermeneutical process is the fact it is guided by a special type of intentionality, which I call „mimetic-iconic intentionality”, that gives us the means of understanding the way in which our consciousness approaches elusive meontological phenomena such as ineffability, indetermination, unconsciousness etc. In order to test this idea, I apply it at the end of my study to both mythological and philosophical thinking. This shows that the hypostatization of nothingness into what we call „ontic” and „ontological” domains are not simply theoretical ideas, but essential features of what we call consciousness.

Keywords: meontology, affective hermeneutics, retrospective hermeneutics, Greek philosophy
Publicația: Studii în hermeneutica pre-judicativă și meontologie, Vol. II, Editura Universității din București
Anul Publicării: 2017