Nimicnicia răului și diferența meontologică.
Schița unei interpretări meontologice a problemei răului la Platon
Abstract: In this essay I study the problem of the origin of evil and its emergence in the human soul in Plato’s philosophy from a meontological point of view. As I argue, Plato has an epistemological view on evil and links it with the malfunction of a faculty of the soul, namely the “noetic intuition” (νοῦς). For a better grasp of this problem, I analyze the relation between nothingness and being, as it is present in Parmenides’ poem and introduce the concept of “meontological difference”, i.e. the difference between nothingness and it’s ontic and ontological hypostases. This concept can shed light on the reasons why, for Plato, the evil is linked to the absence of noetic intuition in two different ways – namely ignorance and madness – both being hypostases of nothingness.
Keywords: Evil, ethics, meontology, Plato, meontologic difference, epistemology.
Publicația: Revista De Filosofie, TOMUL LXV, Nr. 2
Anul Publicării: 2018