Titlu: Negația la Mircea Vulcănescu și cunoașterea lucriferică blagiană.
Întâlnirea a două orizonturi de interpretare a ethosului românesc
Abstract: In this essay I tackle the problem of non-being in Mircea Vulcănescu’s thinking and put it in connection with Lucian Blaga’s concept of „luciferic knowledge”. The „luciferic” character of the concept of non-being gives negation a qualitative meaning, not an existential one, making it define the differences between the absolute and the factic, on one hand, and between various categories on the other. From this point of view, non-being and negation become key-concepts in Vulcănescu’s ontology because they are active in the constitution of the whole realm of existence and they predetermine human understanding of the world.
Keywords: non-being, existence, luciferic knowledge, phenomenology, meontology
Publicația: Studii de istorie a filosofiei românești, Vol. XI, Editura Academiei Române, București
Anul Publicării: 2015