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Titlu: Misterul ca orizont al existenței omului și cunoașterea luciferică. Interpretare fenomenologică

Abstract: In this study I try to clarify the definition, functions and constitution of the notion of “mystery” in Lucian Blaga’s metaphysical system. This concept is of great importance for the existential constitution of humans because it is a twofold concept. On the one hand, it has an epistemological meaning (or, as I name it in the text, a “factic” meaning). On the other hand, there is a more primordial and broad meaning of the mystery which denotes the existential constitution of man. My aim is to show that the factic meaning of mystery is founded in the existential meaning and to analyze the relations between them.

Keywords: metaphysics; ontology; mystery; meontology; existentialism; phenomenology.

Publicația: Studii de istorie a filosofiei românești, Vol. XII, Editura Academiei Române, București

Anul Publicării: 2016