Metoda Comparației Meontologice.
Prolegomenele Unui Dialog Între Filosofia Românească Și Cea Occidentală
Abstract: This study aims to foreshadow the basis of an authentic dialogue between the Western philosophical tradition and the Romanian philosophy, starting from the concept of „meontological comparison”. As a new method of comparison, the meontological one aims to compare not judicative elements of two philosophical systems, but their non-judicative origin. Thinking the phenomenon of ineffability of the fundamental philosophical experiences and their hypostatization into the realm of consciousness in an meontological way, we may open a new field of study which allows us to compare philosophical ideas that have nothing in common in the realm of judicative elements, but start from the same pre-judicative philosophical dispositions, questions and doubts.
Keywords: meontology, Romanian philosophy, Aristotle, relativeness, philosophical comparison
Publicația: Horia Vicențiu Pătrașcu, Gânditori români în cultura universală. Actele Conferinţei Naţionale „Gânditori români în cultura universală” Universitatea Politehnica din București (2017, 2018)
Anul Publicării: 2020